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Isu vape ‘magic mushroom’, tunggu laporan lengkap JPN – Timbalan MB Kelantan 

KOTA BHARU: Susulan isu membabitkan pelajar menghisap rokok elektronik (vape) yang dicampur dengan dadah sintetik dikenali ‘magic mushroom’, kerajaan negeri Kelantan memaklumkan sedang menunggu laporan lengkap daripada Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN). Menurut Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Dr Mohamed Fadzli Hassan pihaknya sudah mengadakan perbincangan dengan JPN, minggu lalu untuk mengetahui jumlah pelajar yang terbabit dan bagaimana cara untuk mengatasi masalah […]

Stick to promise on vape sale regulations, CAP tells Health Ministry

GEORGE TOWN: The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has urged the Health Ministry to keep to its words on vape sale regulations, especially with more teenagers using the product. CAP senior education officer and anti-smoking activist N.V. Subbarow, in welcoming the ministry’s promised on vape sale regulations, said it should be introduced soon. “We want […]

CAP gesa KKM kota janji isu peraturan rokok, penggunaan vape

KUALA LUMPUR: Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang ( CAP) meminta Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad untuk mengotakan janji berkaitan peraturan penjualan rokok elektronik atau vape kerana penggunaan dalam kalangan remaja termasuk murid sekolah dilihat berada pada tahap kritikal. Pegawai Pendidikan Kanan dan Aktivis Anti Merokok CAP, NV Subarow berkata, penjualan vape itu kini tidak […]

KKM perlu tegas pantau ‘taktik’ mesin layan diri jual vape

Georgetown: Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) menggesa Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) menetapkan undang-undang sekali gus memantau operasi mesin layan diri menjual rokok elektronik (vape) di negara ini. Pegawai Pendidikan CAP N V Subbarow berkata, pihaknya kesal mengenai taktik penjualan vape menerusi mesin layan diri seperti yang tular di aplikasi X, baru-baru ini. “Jika tidak ada […]

CAP reminds ministry to keep promise of stricter vape and tobacco laws implementation

person putting e-juice on gold Wismec variable vaporizer

PETALING JAYA: The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) has reminded the Health Ministry to keep its promise of implementing stricter laws in the vape and tobacco product sales regulation in the country. CAP senior education officer and anti-smoking activist N.V.Subbarow said the usage of vape devices and e-cigarettes among schoolchildren and teens are at a […]

Close all loopholes in vape business, ministry urged

PETALING JAYA: The Health Ministry needs to tighten legal provisions to prevent manufacturers of vape and tobacco products from exploiting loopholes in their marketing strategies, says the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP). While commending the authorities for swiftly halting the operation of a vaping device vending machine at a Kuala Lumpur shopping centre, CAP president […]

16,700 fined for smoking at eateries

AN average of 319 smokers are issued compounds each day for lighting up in prohibited areas nationwide. More than 40 per cent of these smokers were caught in restaurants, in defiance of the 2019 ban on doing so. The startling figures provided by the Health Ministry underscore the challenges of enforcing the ban as smokers […]

Rules on prohibition of e-cigarette sales expected to be implemented soon

KANGAR: Specific regulations and orders related to the prohibition on the sale of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) or vape products including the sale of e-cigarettes through vending machines are expected to be implemented soon. Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said the Attorney-General’s Chambers is now in the final stages of researching the regulations regarding […]