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Commentary: What’s the science behind Singapore’s policy on vapes?

Toxicology has given us an objective way to appraise the health risks of e-cigarettes, says NUS Associate Professor Ho Han Kiat. SINGAPORE: Since its implementation in 2018, there has been debate about the effectiveness of Singapore’s ban on vapes, and if more must be done to deter youths from vaping. The Health Sciences Authority on May 8 […]

‘Regulate vapes’ call as study finds acute toxins

The lead author of new research into vaping devices has said the findings highlight the need for “comprehensive” regulation of flavoured vapes. The research by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), published in Scientific Reports, has found that potentially harmful substances that are produced when e-liquids in vaping devices are heated for inhalation. The […]

How does vaping impact orthodontics?

white and yellow wooden condiment shakers

Saba Qureshi explores the impact of vaping on oral health and tooth movement, and the advice dental professionals should be giving to vape users. Since it was first offered as a tool to assist adult smokers in quitting, vaping has grown in popularity, with many promoting it as a ‘healthier’ alternative. Vaping is the inhalation […]

Sweet Vapes, Deadly Risk? New Study Finds Dangers Lurk in Popular Flavors

Vaping has become widely adopted as an alternative to traditional smoking. The latest figures show 4.5 million people in the UK regularly use e-cigarettes. However, there are many concerning unknowns about vaping’s long term health impacts, especially for the younger, “never-smoked” generations – for whom flavored vapes are the most attractive and common entry point. To understand […]

Chemicals in vapes could be highly toxic when heated, research finds

AI analysis of 180 vape flavours finds that products contain 127 ‘acutely toxic’ chemicals, 153 ‘health hazards’ and 225 ‘irritants’. Chemicals used to produce vapes could be acutely toxic when heated and inhaled, according to research. Vaping devices heat the liquid flavouring to high temperatures to form an aerosol that is then inhaled. They contain chemicals […]

Women should give up vaping if they want to get pregnant, study suggests

a person is holding a picture of a baby

Research finds hormone that indicates fertility at lower levels in vapers and tobacco smokers Women should give up vaping if they are hoping to get pregnant, according to a study that suggests it may affect fertility. In the first research to demonstrate a link between fertility prospects and electronic cigarettes across a large population, analysis […]

Toxic metal warning as study claims different vape flavours effect uranium levels in body

Teenagers who vape could be at risk of exposure to toxic metals, potentially harming brain or organ development, a study has suggested. Sweet e-cigarette flavours could also pose additional risks, according to researchers. US academics used responses from part of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study, which included American teenagers aged between […]

Cost increasingly important motive for quitting smoking in England

Health concerns are still the primary motive for more than half of those who say they want to stop smoking in England, but cost is now a key factor for more than one in four, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The researchers said that, given this shift in thinking, making much more […]