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RCSI experts warn of the dangers of vaping

person putting e-juice on gold Wismec variable vaporizer

Experts from RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences have warned about the serious health risks associated with vaping, saying that it may be another decade before we see the real impact on the younger populations that are now vaping. The experts, who have taken part in a discussion on vaping as part of theĀ RCSI […]

Support GEG bill for the sake of young ones

LETTERS: No one says vaping is a safe alternative to smoking. So, why are we now legitimising vaping when we are taking steps to introduce an anti-smoking law? Currently, the law regarding the possession, distribution and advertisement of electronic smoking devices (ESDs) is too vague, allowing underaged Malaysians to buy the products either at physical stores […]

Bapa ‘main asap’ anak ikut sama

Putrajaya: Trend golongan muda menghisap vape atau rokok elektronik semakin membimbangkan apabila ada dalam kalangan murid berusia lapan tahun dikesan terbabit dengan ketagihan itu. Berdasarkan statistik Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) setakat tahun lalu, 254 murid seawal usia lapan tahun mula menghisap vape. Manakala bagi sekolah menengah, ia mencatat angka yang tinggi apabila seramai 17,931 terjebak […]