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Khairy: I’ve Had Enough Of Tobacco Harm Reduction

KUALA LUMPUR – Caretaker Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin denounced claims that vapes or e-cigarettes are safe for use and has reinstated his belief that efforts to deny those born from 2007 from ever purchasing cigarettes should include vape. Khairy ruled out calls to recognise vape as a harm reduction tool for individuals born from January 1, 2007, […]

Khairy: GEG Vision Will Not Waver Despite Pushback

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 25 – Caretaker Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin today reiterated the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) commitment to impose a generational ban on smoking and vaping despite pushback from several lawmakers and harm reduction groups. Khairy said Malaysia is shifting its focus to intensify non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevention as the country faces a double […]

Dakwaan ‘vape’ tidak memudaratkan perlu diperbetulkan – Khairy Jamaluddin

PUTRAJAYA – Dakwaan kononnya penggunaan rokok elektronik atau vape tidak memudaratkan perlu diperbetulkan kerana pengguna bahan itu berisiko mengalami kecederaan paru-paru atau E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI). Menteri Kesihatan, Khairy Jamaluddin berkata, EVALI mula didiagnosa pada 2019 di Amerika Syarikat dengan 2,800 kes kecederaan paru-paru dan 68 kematian disahkan melibatkan pengunaan rokok […]

GE15: Khairy says preparing health-related proposals for BN manifesto

KUALA LUMPUR: Khairy Jamaluddin (pic) says he is preparing several health-related proposals for Barisan Nasional’s (BN) consideration to be included in the party’s manifesto for the 15th General Election (GE15). The Health Minister said it included the Control of Tobacco Products and Smoking Bill 2022, and the proposals would be submitted to Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohamed […]

Penguatkuasaan larangan merokok: KKM tak cukup staf?

Walaupun larangan merokok di premis makanan dikuatkuasakan sejak tiga tahun lalu, penguatkuasaannya dilihat masih belum memberangsangkan. Yang Dipertua Persatuan Kesihatan Ikram Malaysia (Ikram Health) Mohd Afiq Mohd Nor berkata kekurangan kakitangan mungkin menyebabkan penguatkuasaannya belum memuaskan. “Mungkin tak cukup juga kakitangan, kita faham. “Penguasaan itu mungkin kena rajin lebih banyak turun padanglah untuk melakukan lebih […]

Kumpulan pro perokok elektronik tidak faham undang-undang

With #GEG law, no need for harm reduction for those born after 2007 Menteri Kesihatan, Khairy Jamaluddin menegaskan di bawah Rang Undang-undang Kawalan Produk Tembakau dan Merokok 2022, larangan dikuatkuasa kepada mereka yang lahir selepas 2007. #malaysiagazette #mgtv

KJ: With GEG law, no need for harm reduction for those born after 2007

PUTRAJAYA: Harm reduction methods such as vaping and ecigarettes will not be necessary for Malaysians born after 2007, says Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. He said in the Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill 2022, vapes and ecigarettes were allowed to be sold to those born before 2007. However, he said there was no point in allowing […]

Ignore those with vested interests and enact tobacco control law, urges CAP

GEORGE TOWN: The tobacco industry and those with vested interests are mounting a campaign in the media to influence lawmakers to ditch the Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill, the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) said. CAP president Mohideen Abdul Kader said lawmakers should not give in to the pressure and abdicate their responsibility to the […]

Malaysia belum bersedia

PENYUMBANG punca kematian dan penyakit kronik banyak dikaitkan dengan tabiat merokok. Di Malaysia sahaja, statistik menunjukkan terdapat lebih 4.8 juta perokok dan sudah mencatatkan sehingga 27,200 kes kematian disebabkan rokok dan pendedahan kepadanya. Kerajaan juga sudah memperuntukkan 7.4 bilion untuk rawatan penyakit utama disebabkan rokok termasuklah kanser paru-paru dan jantung koronari menjelang 2025. Pelbagai pihak […]