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New study: E-cigarette use linked to prior mental illness diagnosis among college students

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U.S. college students reporting a mental illness diagnosis within the past year had a 33% higher risk of currently using e-cigarettes when compared to those without past-year mental health conditions, according to research from Truth Initiative published in the American Journal of Health Promotion. The strongest associations between past year mental illness diagnosis and current […]

Remaja hisap vape terdedah pada logam berbahaya

Washington: Remaja yang kerap menghisap vape mendedahkan diri mereka kepada logam berbahaya seperti plumbum dan uranium, menurut dapatan satu kajian baharu yang diterbitkan di Amerika Syarikat (AS), lapor UPI. Paras plumbum dalam air kencing adalah 40 peratus lebih tinggi dalam kalangan mereka yang menghisap vape secara berselang-seli, dan 30 peratus lebih tinggi dalam kalangan mereka […]

Young girls in UK drink, smoke and vape more than boys, says study

Children aged 11 and 13 in England were also found to be the most likely to have ever drunk alcohol compared with youngsters in all other countries surveyed. Young girls in the UK drink, smoke and vape more than boys, a major study suggests. England is also “top of the charts” globally for child alcohol […]

Oman: Plain packaging implemented

Plain packaging of tobacco products came into effect in Oman in April 2024. The measure is in accordance with Ministerial Decision 67/2023 Deeming an Omani Standard Specification Binding. All old stock is to be used by 30 June 2024, and no old packaging is allowed to enter the country. After that date, products in retails shops […]

Vapes drive rise in calls to poison hotline from parents of children exposed to nicotine

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Vaping and the availability of e-cigarettes and other nicotine products are behind a rise in calls to the national Poisons Information Centre, accident prevention authorities have warned.   SA Health data shared by child accident prevention group Kidsafe SA reveals the number of nicotine-related calls from South Australians to the Poison Information Centre rose to 78 […]

S’pore vaping ban shows limitations

LETTERS: MALAYSIANS know Singapore as a no-nonsense island state with strict controls on everything, from chewing gum to drugs. So it came as a surprise that the republic is unable to contain a modern-day scourge: electronic cigarettes. Singapore’s Straits Times reported on April 3 that despite strict laws banning vaping since 2018, illicit devices still found […]

Modelling for the smokefree generation policy

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Introduction This report explains the methodology and data used for the Markov model that we constructed to model the effects of the smokefree generation policy for the command paper Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation. The modelling is for England only and focuses on the 14 to 30 age group, given […]

Smoking bans are coming: what does the evidence say?

Countries are cracking down on tobacco use and vaping — the laws could save thousands of lives and billions of dollars, say scientists. Nations worldwide are aiming to introduce some of the tightest restrictions ever on smoking and vaping, especially among young people. On 16 April, UK lawmakers backed one of the world’s most ambitious […]