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International burden of cancer deaths and years of life lost from cancer attributable to four major risk factors: a population-based study in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and United States

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Full Doc Download .docx (.24 MB) Summary Background We provide a comprehensive view of the impact of alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, excess body weight, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on cancer mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom (UK), and United States (US). Methods We […]

Vape durjana: Serang ibu, abang guna parang sebab larang hubungan dengan kekasih

Ampang: Gara-gara tidak dibenarkan menjalinkan hubungan dengan kekasih, seorang lelaki bertindak menyerang abang dan ibunya menggunakan parang dalam kejadian di Jalan 10 Pandan Jaya, di sini, pada 1 November lalu. Ketua Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya Asisten Komisioner Mohd Azam Ismail berkata, suspek berusia 19 tahun ditahan selepas laporan dibuat oleh abangnya, 26, berhubung kejadian itu. […]

Govt not bound by A-G’s views

THE government need not be bound by the attorney-general’s opinion that the Generational Endgame (GEG) bill for tobacco use is unconstitutional. An expert said despite questions over the bill’s contravention of an article in the Constitution, there were still legal avenues for the bill to pull through as it was a public health matter. The […]

‘Action can be taken against teachers who vape’

Action can be taken against teachers who vape in front of their students in schools, said Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek. Complaints done via the correct channel and process, however, must first be made, she added. “We can take action if it is found to have a negative impact on the school ecosystem,” she told Parliament […]

Inside the world of youth vapers

SAL*, now aged 19, started vaping when he was 14 under the influence of his friends. He was fascinated at how the “smoke from the vape puffed out” and decided to give it a try. What began as curiosity has evolved into a daily habit that costs him RM55 a month. “I go to vape […]

More girls vaping

woman in black shirt vaping

While we once worried about teens picking up a cigarette, the concern today is the spike in ecigarette uptake among adolescents – particularly among girls. The devices, said Nicotine Addiction Research and Collaborating Group (NARCC) tobacco control researcher Dr Siti Idayu Hasan, are becoming trendy and fashionable among youths. According to the latest National Health […]

In a haze about vape

MANY parents and educators are ignorant of the dangerous effects vaping can have on children. They think that vaping is safer than cigarette smoking as they frequently see it advertised on social media platforms that promote ecigarettes as “less harmful” than tobacco cigarettes, and as a quit smoking device, interviews conducted with teachers and students […]

Making schools HEBAT

“HIGH” and unable to respond to his teacher’s questions, a student was expelled after the police were called in. The boy from a secondary school in the Petaling district was found to have added heroine into the vape liquid, Universiti Malaya (UM) Nicotine Addiction Research and Collaborating Group (NARCC) deputy coordinator Assoc Prof Dr Nur […]

Ahli Parlimen perlu lebih tegas bersuara

SHAH ALAM – Ahli Parlimen yang sebelum ini menyokong Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Kawalan Produk Merokok Demi Kesihatan Awam 2023 atau RUU Generasi Penamat (GEG) digesa untuk lebih tegas bersuara dalam menegakkan kepentingan perkara tersebut. Yang Dipertua Ikram Health Malaysia, Dr Mohd Afiq Mohd Nor berkata, undang-undang itu sudah diteliti sebanyak tiga kali oleh Jawatankuasa Pilihan […]

Demographic, Clinical, and Behavioral Factors Associated With Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Use in a Large Cohort in the United States

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Shauna Goldberg Scott, MPH,1Heather S. Feigelson, PhD, MPH,1John David Powers, MS,1Morgan N. Clennin, PhD, MPH,1Jason A. Lyons, MA,1Mark T. Gray, BS,1Anil Vachani, MD, MS,2 and Andrea N. Burnett-Hartman, PhD, MPH1,3 Abstract Introduction Our primary purpose is to understand comorbidities and health outcomes associated with electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use. Methods Study participants were Kaiser Permanente (KP) […]