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Presentation of vaping-related lung injury has changed since initial epidemic

a man and a woman looking at a chest x - ray

HONOLULU — Recently diagnosed patients with e-cigarette- or vaping-associated lung injury, or EVALI, were younger and less critically ill than those from earlier in the epidemic, according to research presented at the CHEST Annual Meeting. “EVALI is still a thing,” Denitza P. Blagev, MD, associate professor in the department of medicine at The University of Utah and chief medical […]

E-cigarette and Vaping-Induced Lung Injury (EVALI) Long Taken for Miliary Tuberculosis: A Rare Cause of Interstitial Lung Disease

blue flowers on white textile

Cite this article as: Rachid C, Fikri O, Amro L (October 30, 2023) E-cigarette and Vaping-Induced Lung Injury (EVALI) Long Taken for Miliary Tuberculosis: A Rare Cause of Interstitial Lung Disease. Cureus 15(10): e47948. doi:10.7759/cureus.47948 Abstract Electronic cigarettes, a recent and burgeoning product, are gaining traction among the general population. However, despite their growing popularity, there […]

Forgotten but Not Gone: EVALI Epidemic Continues 

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Rashelle Bernal vaped and ended up in an induced coma for a week. She was one of almost 3000 people who were hospitalized during 2019 and early 2020 with severe lung damage from vaping and became part of what is now known as the epidemic of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI). For many, the EVALI epidemic […]

Tiada pelanggaran hak Perlembagaan dalam RUU Generasi Penamat, kata pakar

person using MacBook Pro

Shad Saleem Faruqi menjelaskan, ‘kebebasan peribadi’ yang dinyatakan dalam Perkara 5(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan bukanlah hak mutlak, tetapi boleh dikawal selia. PETALING JAYA: Di tengah-tengah kekhuatiran banyak pihak mengenai pelanggaran hak perlembagaan dalam rang undang-undang (RUU) Generasi Penamat (GEG), pakar undang-undang Perlembagaan Shad Saleem Faruqi menjelaskan mengapa perkara ini tidak perlu dibimbangkan. Beliau berkata, “kebebasan peribadi” […]

RUU Kawalan Produk Merokok 2023 perlu diluluskan segera!

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Oleh Prof Madya Dr Nur Amani Ahmad Tajuddin Kumpulan Penyelidik Ketagihan Nikotin (NARCC) di Universiti Malaya (UM) memandang serius kecemasan yang melanda negara ini berhubung penggunaan vape dan rokok elektronik di kalangan remaja dan kanak-kanak. Kami tidak boleh lagi berdiam diri melihat peningkatan drastik dalam penggunaan vape oleh generasi muda yang digembar-gemburkan sebagai sumber pendapatan […]

Tobacco Companies Normalise Smoking And Promote Vaping To Youths

By Dr Lee Wei Hum- Vaping has recently risen to the forefront of national concern in Malaysia and worldwide. As the prevalence of vaping increases so does the heightened concern about its impact on health and wellbeing. Along this emerging trend, one salient finding from the National Health and Morbidity Survey is a dramatic shift […]

E-cigarette dependence and depressive symptoms among youth

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Full Text Abstract Introduction While the relationship between smoking and depression has been well-established, little is known about the association between e-cigarette use and depression, particularly among youth and young adults. This study proposes that e-cigarette dependence, rather than simply use, serves as a potential stressor and may interact with pre-existing vulnerabilities to contribute to […]

Penjualan Vape Tanpa Kawalan

Tinjauan awal oleh Pusat Racun Negara mendapati banyak penjualan vape di premis yang bukan ekslusif seperti kedai-kedai runcit, kedai serbaneka, restoran dan sebagainya, dijual tanpa kawalan. Ada di antara premis-premis ini meletakkan kotak-kotak vape berdekatan atau di tempat penjualan gula-gula dan makanan ringan. Ada juga yang diletakkan terlalu rendah, kurang daripada 3 kaki dari lantai, […]