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Academics with tobacco industry links are not declaring potential conflicts of interest in research

Exclusive: Study sparks calls for academic journals to consider penalties for inadequate declarations Researchers with links to tobacco and vaping industries are failing to disclose their potential conflicts of interest in work published in respected academic journals, prompting calls for journals to tighten their policies and consider penalties for inadequate declarations. Research published in the […]

TikTok Sways Teens To Take Up Vaping, Study Finds

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Parents worried about the dangers their teens face when using social media may have new cause for concern. While social platforms have already been shown to put teens at risk for mental health challenges such as sleep disruption, exposure to bullying and peer pressure, and increased cases of depression and anxiety, new research shows that teens on TikTok are […]

Promotion of E-Cigarettes on TikTok and Regulatory Considerations

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Jonine Jancey 1,*,Tama Leaver 2,Katharina Wolf 3,Becky Freeman 4,Kevin Chai 5,Stella Bialous 6,Marilyn Bromberg 7,Phoebe Adams 1,Meghan Mcleod 1,Renee N. Carey 5 and Kahlia McCausland 1 Abstract E-cigarettes are promoted extensively on TikTok and other social media platforms. Platform policies to restrict e-cigarette promotion seem insufficient and are poorly enforced. This paper aims to understand how e-cigarettes are being promoted on TikTok and provide insights into the […]

Vaping boom and bust: from bans to starter kits, how the world is responding

“Rise of disposable e-cigarettes has focused regulators around the world on what they fear is an explosion of vaping among young people” The vaping industry turns 20 this year, but Ira Simeonidis fears the golden age of e-cigarettes is already wafting away. “It’s a bit destroyed,” says the organizer of Hall of Vapes, Europe’s largest […]

Case Report: Vaping Cessation Interventions in Former Smokers: A Review

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2023.04.020 ABSTRACT This review provides an overview of potential vaping cessation interventions in adult former smokers. The interventions reviewed are varenicline, bupropion, nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), and behavioral therapy. Evidence for intervention effectiveness is provided when available, such as for varenicline, whereas recommendations for bupropion and NRT are extrapolated from case studies or smoking […]

Bahana vape pada gigi

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MENGHISAP vape atau peranti rokok elektronik sememangnya menjadi sesuatu yang popular dalam kalangan masyarakat. Malah, tabiat buruk itu juga menular dalam kalangan mereka yang masih muda. Hakikatnya, kesan menghisap vape dari sudut kesihatan sudah banyak dikongsikan di media massa. Malah, ada mangsa yang merana seumur hidup kerana menghisap peranti elektronik itu. Pensyarah dan Pakar Pergigian […]

Zaliha: Tobacco Bill Pending Cabinet Approval, MPs’ Votes Being Whipped

Dr. Zaliha Mustafa says Cabinet will discuss the tobacco & vape bill this Friday. If the bill gets Cabinet approval, she will seek to table it in June. The health minister adds that she’s working with party whips to get backbenchers to support the bill. GENEVA, May 22 – Cabinet’s meeting this Friday is set […]

Peratus remaja merokok meningkat, mekanisme GEG kekal dalam RUU

PUTRAJAYA, 19 Mei– Penggunaan rokok elektronik atau vape dalam kalangan remaja di negara semakin meningkat daripada 9.8% pada 2017 kepada 14.9%, tahun lalu. Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) akan membentangkan Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Kawalan Produk Tembakau dan Merokok 2022 yang akan mengawal selia semua produk merokok termasuk rokok elektronik. Menurut Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Tuan Lukanisman Awang Sauni, […]

What makes vaping harmful?

STUDIES are being carried out to investigate the mechanisms by which vaping is bad for health, but researchers already have some ideas. Vaping involves inhaling a vapourised liquid known as vape juice or e-liquid, which may consist of many different types of ingredients mixed in a lipid (oily) base. These ingredients usually include flavourings, nicotine and […]

What is happening with vaping among adolescents and young adults in Aotearoa?

Summary There is growing concern about the increasing prevalence of vaping among young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. In this article, we collate the latest data from available sources about the prevalence of vaping and related beliefs and patterns of behaviour among adolescents and young adults. We highlight the limited information available and the need […]