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Researchers urge the government not to delay the anti-smoking bill

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PETALING JAYA: The Control of Smoking Product for Public Health Bill 2023 should be passed immediately, say members of Universiti Malaya’s Centre for Addiction Science Studies (UMCAS). In a statement on Wednesday (Oct 11), the members of the Nicotine Addiction Research Collaborating Group (NARCC) said the immediate passing of the Bill will protect the coming […]

FMSA calls on government to hasten approval of anti-smoking bill

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Family Medicine Specialists’ Association (FMSA) has called on the government to approve the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Bill 2023 immediately. Its president, Dr Nor Hazlin Talib said any delay or postponement of this bill will lead adolescents “one step closer to significant harm”. She said since the removal of […]

Manfaat ekonomi industri vape jauh lebih kecil daripada kos akibat penyakit – NARCC

KUALA LUMPUR: Kumpulan Penyelidik Ketagihan Nikotin (NARCC) Universiti Malaya (UM) menggesa kerajaan untuk meluluskan segera Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Kawalan Produk Merokok 2023 kerana bimbang peningkatan penggunaan bahan itu dalam kalangan remaja dan kanak-kanak. Kumpulan itu berkata mereka tidak boleh lagi berdiam diri melihat peningkatan drastik dalam penggunaan vape oleh generasi muda yang digembar-gemburkan sebagai sumber […]

Pahang Customs makes largest-ever seizure of illicit smokes

KUANTAN: In a daylight operation, the Royal Malaysian Customs Department successfully thwarted a smuggling attempt, seizing 24,000 cartons of illegal cigarettes with an estimated unpaid duty of RM3.2 million. The director of Pahang Customs, Mohd Asri Seman, revealed that this haul, the largest ever in the state, was intercepted from an eight-tonne lorry on the […]

Penyakit jantung kekal penyebab utama kematian di Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR – Penyakit berkaitan jantung kekal sebagai penyebab utama kematian dengan 18,515 kematian atau 17.0% daripada jumlah berpunca daripada penyakit berkaitan jantung. Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Datuk Dr Muhammad Radzi Abu Hassan berkata, statistik terkini Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia 2022 pula menunjukkan Ischaemic heart diseases mencatatkan sebab kematian kedua tertinggi di negara ini pada tahun 2021 iaitu […]

Haramkan sahaja e-rokok, vape sebelum jadi kesengsaraan negara

VAPE akan menjadi kesengsaraan pada masa depan negara dan sukar untuk dihapuskan sama seperti rokok melainkan ia diharamkan sekarang. Justeru, Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) menggesa kerajaan mempertimbangkan secara serius untuk mengharamkannya. Peniaga mengeksploitasi pelajar sekolah dengan menjual produk vape kepada mereka secara haram. CAP mendapati ramai pelajar sekolah mengakui bahawa mereka menghisap vape dan ini […]

Britain berdepan ancaman dadah ‘Frankenstein’

LONDON – Sejenis opioid atau dadah sintetik digelar ‘Frankenstein’ yang dianggarkan 40 kali ganda lebih berbahaya berban­ding fentanyl membimbangkan Britain, kata pakar-pakar dalam amaran mereka seperti laporan portal berita MailOnline kelmarin. Dinamakan nitazene, dadah itu dihasilkan di makmal-makmal haram di China dan dise­ludup ke Britain menggunakan rangkaian penjenayah. Dadah sintetik itu yang dicampur bersama heroin […]

Pahang Customs makes largest-ever seizure of illicit smokes

KUANTAN: The Royal Malaysian Customs Department foiled a smuggling attempt in broad daylight when it seized 24,000 cartons of contraband cigarettes with estimated unpaid duty of RM3.2mil. Pahang Customs director Mohd Asri Seman said the cigarettes – the largest such haul in the state to date – were confiscated from an eight-tonne lorry on the […]

Is taxation the answer to better health?

LETTERS: Could taxation serve as a tool for better public health? While it may sound complex, it’s a question worth asking. Why should we consider this? The health statistics in Malaysia speak volumes. Approximately 21 per cent of adults smoke and five per cent vape, and many suffer from dental issues like cavities and gum problems. […]

When it concerns addiction, there’s no freedom of choice, says regional tobacco expert

PUTRAJAYA: There’s no such thing as infringement of freedom of choice when it comes to dealing with addictions, said a regional tobacco expert. Senior Policy Adviser for Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance Dr Mary Assunta Kolandai said the generational endgame (GEG) bill, expected to be tabled for second reading in the Dewan Rakyat in October, […]